High dose vitamin c
Did you know that only about 18% of the vitamin C we consume through food or oral tablets is absorbed by our bodies?
When delivered by IV, vitamin C is 100% bioavailable.
Our High Dose Vitamin C infusions are used to help many different types of diseases, including cancer, viruses like Epstein-Barr, Lyme disease, COVID-19 and more.
For support on your cancer journey, you can learn more about our high dose vitamin C by IV infusion on our Integrative Cancer Center website PellegrinoIntegrativeCancerCenter.com
These therapy sessions require a consultation with either Dr. Diana Silverman or our Registered Nurse, Maria Alberts prior to scheduling the infusions. See below for more info.
High Dose Vitamin C Consultation $150*
A consultation with either Dr. Silverman or our R.N. Maria Alberts is required before scheduling your High Dose Vitamin C Therapy.
Review of patients medical history
Review of symptoms
Prescription for basic vitamin panel blood work
Follow up visit to review lab results
*Does not include the cost of the High Dose Vitamin C Infusion.
Pricing of infusion:
25g $150
50g $200
75g $275
100g $300

Diana L. Silverman, DO.
Breast Surgical Oncologist, Integrative Specialist, Metastatic Breast Cancer Survivor
Medical degree from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Chief Surgery Intern at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Chief Surgery Resident at Midwestern University in Chicago, Illinois
Society of Surgical Oncology accredited breast fellowship program at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA.
Breast Program Leader at the Herb & Sue Ann Redl Center for Cancer Care

Maria Alberts, MSN, RN, NC-BC
Registered Nurse​, Nurse Coach-Board Certified
Maria Alberts MSN, RN, NC-BC., brings over twenty years of nursing experience to the Pellegrino team.
Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the College of New Rochelle
Masters Degree in Holistic Nursing from Florida Atlantic University
Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse
Board Certified Nurse Coach
Trained practitioner of the Heartmath Breathing Technique